FH Weekly Update Aug. 6th

Hello everyone,
I hope you all have enjoyed your summer! Next week we begin our 2018 Field Hockey season, defending our back to back titles for the 2016 & 2017 seasons as, Palomar League Champions.
If you are receiving this email you have either played field hockey at PHS or gave me your contact info at 8th grade night at PHS. Some of the email addresses I collected were a little hard to read or I may have typos, so if you have a friend that you know was there at 8th grade night and may not have received this email please pass it along.
Next week is try outs. The schedule is as follows:
Mon, 8/13-   3:00-5:00pm   @turf  (meet on the visitor side at the 50 yard line in Stadium)
Tues, 8/14-  3:00-5:00pm  @turf
Wed, 8/15-  3:00-5:00pm   @turf
Thur, 8/16-  6:00-8:00pm   @turf
Fri, 8/17-     6:00-8:00pm   @turf (Teams announced)
***Schedule subject to change***
Please note that each day we will be meeting at the turf field for warm up but there will be days that the team may move over to grass fields (softball field) for the latter half of the day.
Players need to have their ticket to play in hand to turn in on the first day of try outs. Players may not participate without the ticket to play. Here is a link to the athletics main page where you can find how to receive a ticket to play: https://www.powayusd.com/en-US/Schools/HS/PHS/Athletics/Athletics-Home
Please be sure to be there 20 minutes prior (each day)  to turn in forms, get geared up, help with equipment set up and warm up. Also, make sure to have both a pair of cleats and a pair of regular running shoes, field hockey shin guards, eye protection, mouth guard, field hockey stick, sunblock and water. If any one has extra hockey sticks, please consider bringing them for new players to borrow on a daily basis.
You can find more info about try outs and the upcoming season on the Field Hockey website. Check the calendar for scheduling. Here is a link to the Field Hockey webpage with try out information: http://powayfieldhockey.com/
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask, email or text me. Feel free to pass along any try out information to your friends, the more the merrier. Also, it would be great if we had a few parent volunteers to help out with organizing set up and check in. Please let me know if you are available.
good luck and see you all there,
Kim Draskovich
PHS Field Hockey Coach
Posted in Uncategorized, Weekly Update.