Hello Field Hockey parents and players,
***please note that Saturdays try out time is 9:30-10:30am on the turf field***
Welcome to the Poway High School Girls’ Field Hockey Program on behalf of Poway Field Hockey Booster Club. Our primary goal is to support the players during a successful field hockey season. We welcome your input, participation, and volunteer time.
The Field Hockey program at Poway High receives no funding from the school to pay for its operating costs including coaches, referee fees, and equipment. We depend entirely on the kind generosity of parents, donors and fundraising to cover the program’s annual budget of approximately $21,000.
Please see the Registration Payment form attached for player payment information. Fundraising is an important part of our budget and you will receive a separate email covering our major fundraiser of the season. Be sure to see the generous incentive plan for sponsors you bring in!
Registration Timeline
August 11 Team Fundraising Program begins – separate emails will be sent
August 12-13 Spirit wear samples available to view at end of practice
August 18 Spirit Wear orders due (optional purchases)
August 18 Registration forms due – before or after practice or at Fall Sports Night
August 18 Fall Sport Parent Night, 7pm, Poway High School – room to be announced
August 22 (week of) Uniforms issued and team photos taken for Fundraiser poster
Sept 2 Team Fundraiser forms due
Fall Sports Parent Night is on August 18 at 7pm at Poway High School. Our coaches will be explaining the field hockey program and answering any questions you may have. Board members will also be there to meet new parents, answer any questions, and be asking you for your time in volunteer efforts for our girls. Please contact me at kdraskovich@gmail.com or Jeff Plummer, Board President, at jeffplummer1212@att.net for more information about current volunteer openings.
Our website has been revised and updated. Webmaster, Bree Blila, has done a fantastic job and is a valuable resource to our field hockey program. Please check out the website as the season progresses for updates and photos.
At any time, if you have any non-coaching questions concerning the program, please contact Jeff or any member of the Boosters board. The Field Hockey Boosters at Poway High is a great group of volunteer parents who are friendly and will work with you. You will find us willing to answer your questions or help find someone who can.
Looking forward to a season fully dedicated to our student athletes,
Poway High School Girls’ Field Hockey Boosters Board:
Jeff Plummer, President
Michael Leland, Vice President
Roger Whitney, Secretary
Sophia Kallmann, Treasurer
Kim Draskovich, Team Manager
Lesley Flud, Fundraising Manager
Bree Blila, Webmaster