2019 Try outs

Happy Summer Titans! As we get ready for another great Field Hockey Season this fall, we have posted the dates and times for our Poway High School Field Hockey try outs in August. Please note we have a new format this season and have included a Novice try out session.

Try outs schedule is as follows:

In anticipation of a larger number of novice players than before we are holding a 3 day try out/training session for novice players. This will allow us to have the time to teach technique, rules, and our expectations as coaches. Novice players are new to field hockey, or new to Poway high, or new to our program.

Novice try outs:

  • Wed, August 7th- 6:30pm-8:30pm
  • Thurs, August 8th- 6:30pm-8:30pm
  • Fri, August 9th- 6:30pm-8:30pm

All players try outs:

  • Mon, August 12th- Cancelled *** PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE***
  • Tues, August 13th- 7:00pm-9:00pm
  • Wed, August 14th- 7:00pm-9:00pm
  • Thurs, August 15th- 7:00pm-9:00pm
  • Fri, August 16th- 7:00pm-9:00pm

Please don't forget you will need a ticket to play in order to try out. Please visit our school website and have your ticket ready to go in August. You can also look under forms and handouts on our homepage for more info about tickets-to-play.

**Please remember to bring your Ticket to Play on your first day of try-outs.  You may not participate in try-outs without it**
Players should be at the field at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time to allow for greetings, final attire adjustments, equipment set up and warm-ups. After check-in parents/spectators are welcome to stay and watch but must be seated in the visiting side bleachers at all times. No one other than players and coaches are allowed on the track or playing surface.
Be sure to bring sports drinks or water, cleats or turf shoes, running shoes, eye protection, mouth guard, shin guards and your field hockey stick each day.  If any of you have extra hockey sticks, please consider bringing them for new players to borrow on a daily basis.
Don't forget all your necessary gear and to hydrate-hydrate-hydrate. Bring extra water and sunscreen for try outs. Get plenty of rest, eat well and hydrate all week.
thanks and see you all on the field,
Coaches Kim & Morgan

Typical Field Hockey Gear

Each year we are asked about gear and many times girls show up with the wrong gear or illegal gear.

Here is a list of necessities to be safe and compliant with SDFHOA:

if you click on the item name I have included amazon links so you can see what they typically look like. You do not have to buy the exact one it is just for an example.

Mouth guard- can not be white or clear must have color

Shin guards- can not be soccer shin guards- must be made of hard plastic and cover all the way down to both sides of ankles. Do not- buy sock type or pull on or just padded- basically any shin guard with a foot stirrup strap is illegal.

Goggles- Must be metal cage type like Lacrosse goggles.  No plastic, no clear racquet ball type, no sunglass visor type

Cleats- soccer cleats are legal. Softball or baseball cleats are illegal. the cleats can not have a toe cleat.

Field hockey stick- this is really up to you, I can say that most sticks under $50 break and come apart before the end of season and girls end up getting new ones. However, they work and are doable. just do not get flat sticks because they are for indoor and do not get sticks with a crook in it because they are for goalies. Your stick should be even with your hip bone when held straight up from the ground.